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  • Writer's pictureDelia Raresheid

Should I Have an Unplugged Wedding?

I love technology. Especially my cell phone. I love that we are living in a time in which it is totally normal to have a powerful phone, computer, and camera combo device on us at all times. In fact, it's a lot less normal NOT to!

With all the fantastic benefits technology affords us, it also brings with it some undesired side effects.

It is all too common to see people disconnected from the NOW and focused on the distractions of social media and instant messaging apps.

As they plan their weddings, rightfully concerned couples are taking notice and asking each other,

"Do we want to unplug our wedding?"

As a professional wedding photographer, I have my own opinions and preferences. But this is really about you, your wedding day, and what you want the experience to be like for you and your guests.

Here are a few questions I think will be helpful for you to ask yourself and your partner if you are considering an Unplugged Wedding.

Are we hiring a professional photographer?

If the answer to this question is "Yes" I highly recommend at least unplugging the ceremony portion of your wedding day. You may also opt to unplug other important moments such as the first dance, toasts, and cake cutting. A crowd of cell phones around you really cheapens the memory as your guests aren't truly present with you during these important moments. Plus, your photos look a whole lot better when the guests are engaged and paying attention.

If you are investing in professional photography of your wedding day, it is not unreasonable in the slightest to requests that your guests respect that and put the phones and cameras away.

Do we want guests on their phones during the ceremony?

You've put a lot of time, money, and energy to get all the most important people in one place to witness this precious moment. It would really be a waste if your guests are distracted and not present in to enjoy it with you.

Are we comfortable with our guests posting (potentially unflattering) photos we haven't seen on social media?

It's happened to all of us. You receive a notification that you've been tagged. As you open it your heart drops as you see an unflattering angle when you weren't expecting a photo. Maybe you were a little too excited about the dessert bar and half a cupcake is in your right cheek as you're chewing.

Regardless, first impressions matter. Do you really want to take the chance that the first photos that your friends and family that could not make it to your wedding see on social media could be less than amazing?

I personally offer sneak peeks to my brides and grooms during dinner service so they have professional photos to share online during the wedding day for those unable to attend.

Ultimately, every couple is different, and the decision to unplug part of or all of your wedding day is entirely up to you. There are many pros and cons to an unplugged wedding.

If it were my wedding, I would choose to unplug the ceremony and important moments, but share a hashtag with my guests to use for all the moments in between. What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

Stay tuned for more blog posts in the future on how to successfully unplug your wedding, and how to get your guests to actually use your wedding hashtag. 😉

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